Introducing the Heritage Custom Cigar Program
Heritage CAA, Inc. is honored to announce a high quality custom cigar program.
We have successfully negotiated a unique arrangement with PAYNE-MASON Cigars, America’s Premier Cigar Manufacturer, in which our customers can purchase the highest quality cigars in America while, at the same time, generating excellent revenue for their organization.
Each PAYNE-MASON Cigar is hand rolled by Cuban Master Rollers, using only rare, aged tobaccos from Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Connecticut Shade. All PAYNE-MASON Tobaccos have been aged for a minimum of 5 years and come encased in sealed glass tubes.
Their quality cigars have earned the approval of many national organizations including LAMBORGHINI. FERRARI, BMW, PEBBLE BEACH, PALMS CASINO, LEXUS, CORONA, PECHANGA CASINO, PORSCHE, NRA, GLENFEDDISH and many others.